For those who doesn't want to die early these are the best thing to do:
* Get up every hour
-esp. to those people who work office a minute walk every hour will waken your cells.
* Eat egg
- really love eggs!!! It provides protein plus lutein to protect your eyes from UV rays
*Take Chromium
- it helps maintain the proper blood sugar level ( ma try nga hahhaha)
* Don't Forget to Floss
-bacteria hiding in your teeth will infect your gums. Plus the major major pain you will feel.( ouch) it will cause inflammation in your arteries and contribute to plaque buildup on blood vessel visit your dentist :)
* Check Your Pulse
- before getting up in the morning check your heart beat. Normal resting rate is 60 beats per minute... ( That if you only have time.. nAAaaa you will be late!!)
* Do self massage
-take note SELF MASSAGE meaning you don't have to massage parlor!! massage helps your organ function properly.